Supra Industries

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Supra Industries

Supra Industries


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Photographer: Supra Industries

Copyright: Supra Industries

Credit: Supra Industries

CBN-/Diamond Grinding Tools, vitrified bonded

LUKAS grinding tools with cubic boron nitride

We develop and manufacture ultra-hard grinding tools using cubic boron nitride, which is produced synthetically and is exclusively used for machining hardened steels. The manufacturing costs of cubic boron nitride are quite high, but thanks to its extreme hardness it can achieve significant performance improvements in optimized production processes. Thus, cubic boron nitride can be a valuable contribution to cost reduction in production. LUKAS grinding tools produced with cubic boron nitride ensure a long service life, short grinding cycles and high surface qualities due to the continuous coating with abrasives. They can be easily dressed and work with low grinding pressure. We are happy to manufacture ultra-hard grinding tools with the appropriate grit (mainly between 54 and 91 µm), variable dimensions and an optimum concentration of cubic boron nitride for your specific application.

Grinding tools, cubic boron nitride
• Ultra-hard grinding tools (above 40,000 [MPa]) for machining hardened steels
• Cubic boron nitride (vitrified bond) with grits between 46 and 251 (mainly between 54 and 91 µm)
• Dimensions, grit size and grit concentration adapted to your application
• For wet grinding

LUKAS Diamond points (vitrified bond)

The LUKAS diamond points have been designed for a highly efficient machining of ceramic, glass, carbides, oxides, nitrides, CRP, GRP, PCBN, PCD, diamond, plastics and rubber. Diamond as an abrasive is extremely hard (70,000 [MPa]) and effective. In case of streamlined production processes you may produce faster, better and at lower costs. After analysing all application data we develop in accordance with your specific application individually manufactured diamond points – with the corresponding grit, variable size and the appropriate concentration of the abrasive. To improve the grinding effect of LUKAS diamond points we use exclusively tungsten-carbide shanks. Thus our diamond points – when regarded as a complete tool – achieve shorter cycle times, much better tool life, lower tool and set-up costs as well as improved surface finishes.

Diamond points with vitrified bond
• Ultrahard grinding tools(above 70,000 [MPa]) to machine ceramic, glass, carbides, oxides, nitrides, CRP, GRP, PCBN, PCD, diamond, plastics and rubber
• Grit sizes from 46 to 251 (primarily between 54 and 91 µm)
• Dimension, grit size and concentration have been adapted to your application
• For grinding with coolants

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