Supra Industries

Supra Industries


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Photographer: Supra Industries

Copyright: Supra Industries

Credit: Supra Industries

Supra Industries

Supra Industries


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Photographer: Supra Industries

Copyright: Supra Industries

Credit: Supra Industries

Health and Safety Equipment

Lukas Tool Sets, Accessories, Health and Safety Equipment

Our goal is for you to work efficiently but also safely. Therefore, we recommend our protective goggles, protective mask, safety gloves and banded ear plugs including spare ear plugs. We also have a complete range of tools for grinding, milling, engraving and polishing, as well as accessories, tool sets and safety equipment. Everything from a single supplier!

Accessories, tool sets, safety equipment
• Accessories: including arbors, tool adapters, reducing bushes
• Tool sets: mounted points, polishing points, tungsten carbide burrs and grinding caps
• Safety equipment: protective goggles, protective mask, safety gloves and banded ear plugs

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Safety Goggles, UVEX i-vo

UVEX i-vo provide optimum protection and due to the unique two-component technology they are very comfortable to wear.

Safety Gloves, UVEX TOP GRADE

High-quality protective gloves from cowhide with high wearing comfort in size 10.

Spare Banded Ear Plugs, MOLDEX Jazz-Band

MOLDEX Jazz Band E includes 25 pairs per set. Comfortable foam ear plugs for change.