Supra Industries

Supra Industries


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Photographer: Supra Industries

Copyright: Supra Industries

Credit: Supra Industries

Supra Industries

Supra Industries


How to use my images

Photographer: Supra Industries

Copyright: Supra Industries

Credit: Supra Industries

Power Tools

The conditioning machine with infinitely adjustable speed. Many tools of the LUKAS product range in conjunction with this electric machine are ideal for the Satin finishing, Conditioning, Polishing, Brushing, Smoothing, De-rusting and Deburring of large surfaces of steel, stainless steel or aluminium.

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Conditioning machine

ESM 1310, for tool diameters 100 and 120 mm and max. tool width of 100 mm, hole size 19 mm for polishing rolls P6, grinding rolls SBZY, flap rolls LWL, LWV, LWM, LWF.